Mon 27 Jan
Welcome lilly & shay! ScentSations sexy n fun attendants 120$ flat rates 1/hr Open 9am-9pm - 18
(Sarasota, Bradenton)
Tori is back!! domination and fetish expert! Better serving the Sarasota and Bradenton area - 26
(Sarasota, Private)
*°☆ *__Y__ O__U__ R__*__T __O__P __**__ C__H__O __I__C __E__* ☆°* - 20
🎀We Have Great New Specials 🎀And Hot New Spa Models🎀Treat Yourself Today💕Real Pics💕 - 21
(Sarasota, Bradenton)
Want some company?.. Let me show you a good time ;) ** 60 roses SPECIAL! ** - 21
(Sarasota, Bradenton)
Voluptuous Full-Figured Woman ! Super PASSIONATE ***Sweet n kind*** Pretty face**Big DDD Tits - 38
(Sarasota, Sarasota/Bradenton)
See Kylie Soon !!!, Experience the BEST Forget The REST ! unavail 7/11 to 7/17 so hurry! - 31
(Bradenton, Fl)
~ * ~ V.I.P. TREATMENT ~ * ~ {Available Now} #941.320.3519 - 30
(Sarasota, Sarasota/Bradenton {Near Airport})
Ultra Low Specials 50QV!! Come pleasure yourself with Erika your Irish Beauty!! Dont Miss Out - 33
(Bradenton/Sarasota/Palmetto, Sarasota)
Tired of Rip-Offs, Crackheads, False Descriptions and Up Charges? Then I am the Lady for you! - 40
.»(¯`xXx´¯)» EvEryThiNg YoU WaNt. - WrApPeD iN a BeAuTiFuL BUSTY PACKAGE - $pEciALs .!! »(¯`xXx´¯)» - 20
»(¯`xXx´¯)»*° LAST DAY IN TOWN! » 1OO 45 MiN $PeCiAL! » CaN yOu HanDLe Me? (¯`xXx´¯)»*° - 20
Winter Fetish Specials+ +60 hUgS. WhiTe SnoW bUnNy sPeciAls SEDUCTIVE Student I Love 2 KISS - 25
(Hernando Co, Hillsborough Co, Pasco Co, Pinellas Co, Sarasota, Tampa)
**TiRED oF FaKE PICS?** **TiRED oF LiES & DRaMa??** **TaKE A CHaNCE WiTH ME!** **SiMPLE & SWEET** - 22
(Sarasota, Tamiami Trail ((Upscale Incall))
Tired OF Looking? OR Just Don't Have TIime? WELL HAVE NO FEAR, ALEXIS IS HERE:) 941-201-7112 Meow! - 24
Thick Thighs, Nice Hips, Big Boobs Lucious Lips ^^^ (NEW PICS)^^^100% MINE - 35
(Sarasota, Sarasota/ Bradenton)
»(¯`xXx´¯)» BrEaThTaKiNgLy BeAuTiFuL BuStY SuDuCtReSs!' CLASSY & ALWAYS FUN! »(¯`xXx´¯)» - 20
You can choice 👐 👐 ❤19teen babes, cariñosas.❤💋 . 🏩🚗💨COME NOW!!©💒🎉🎊 - 19
(5 min by the Sarasota airport, Sarasota)
★★ W€€K€ND SP€CIAL ($80) -incall only « AVAILABL€ - NOW » ★★ R€VI€W€D & PROF€SSIONAL - 25
(Sarasota, st.rd 64/ exit 220B)
what a wonderful Friday. enjoy my company and let's have some foolish fun - 19
(Sarasota, Sarasota/Bradenton/Surrounding areas)
When I'm good i'm very good, but when I'm bad I'm better. Private Adult Rolelay - 27
(Sarasota, Sarasota incall)
Welcome 2012! The total experience starts here. We have the BEST GIRLS of Sarasota! - 18
(Sarasota, Sar/Brad Airport area)
"We Are Open" U Can Choose The Rest...... But Here;... U Can Have The Best👄 - 19
(Sarasota, 🌟🌟Open late for your convenience🌟🌟)
Tuesday Come & Let Me Help Kick Your Week Off Right💋 Rainy Day Specials🌷 💋 - 37
(Sarasota, Near Downtown Sarasota)
••★☆" U p . . F OR . . A . . W H I L E . . ★☆ . . W A N NA . . ★☆ # . . Me " - 27
(Sarasota, In....Or Out 2 U)
Tired of Rip-Offs, Crackheads, and Fake Descriptions? Then I am the Lady for You! - 40
(Sarasota, Bradenton)
♥♥Tired of Winging it Alone?♥♥Your Sexy Stewardess Delivers!I'm Charlie......Fly Me! ☎Call Me★ - 45
(Hillsborough Co, Lakeland, Pasco Co, Pinellas Co, Sarasota, St.Petersburg PRIVATE HOME INCALL ONLY, Tampa)
█ THE ☆♥RiGHT☆ CHOiCE █☆ G U A ® A N T € € D ☆█ [100% Me or Im FREE]°TREAT URSELF° YOU'LL LOVE ME - 27
(Sarasota, Sarasota airport)
The GIRL Next DOOR **Unleash Your Private Fantasy!**
(Fort Myers, Lakeland, Sarasota, Tampa, In your arms ;))
!!! WELCOME BACK JEWELL AND KAYLA !!! Flat rate 100 (941)7512900!! OPEN 7 DAYS! - 20
(Sarasota, Bradenton)
Want some company?.. I'll show you a good time ;) ** 60 roses SPECIAL! ** - 21
(Sarasota, Bradenton)
Wanna get W**E**T ?, I have toys and I love showing off . Former Ballerina - 27
(Sarasota, I75 and Clark and Beneva)
Vanessa **** let me Be Your FanTaSy!!! Sarasota Bradenton St Pete - 28
(Pinellas Co, Sarasota, St Pete, Tampa)
Unlike No Other, Worth It All, Satisfaction A Must....
(Sarasota, Where Ever You Are Sara/Brad/Nopo/Pt Cha)