Sat 04 Jan
❃❉Incredibly Sexy... Loads of Fun...Available today for Outcalls ★ - 24
(Sarasota, Bradenton and Sarasota)
♡ CuRvY ❅ Snow Bunnie™ ((♥✔-Bold ♥-Beauty ✔-Freaky & Kinky ♥ Ready Now - 22
*Blue * Eye * Bombshell * Loves To Please & Party Like You've Never had! !!! - 21
(Sarasota, Bradenton /Sarasota)
* * * Y O U R * P U E R T O * R I C A N * I S * W A I T I N G ! ! ! ! ! C A L L * M E * P A P I * - 23
(North Sarasota)
♥♥♥♥ Long Exotic Hair GYPSY♥ Classy over Trashy ♥ VIP♥ - 21
(Sarasota, Sarasota/Brandenton In and Outcalls)
♡ CuRvY ❅ Snow Bunnie™ ((♥✔-Bold ♥-Beauty ✔-Freaky & Kinky ♥ Ready Now - 22
((sexy)) bAby .. I aM thE PuErTO RiCaN Mami ....INCALL/ OUTCALLS SPECIALLLLLSS !!!!! - 23
(Sarasota/Bradenton in/out)
**VISITING!!!** UpSCaLe * EuRo ASiaN * TaLL * All NaTuRaL * CurVy * BuSTy **WELL REVIEWED** - 28
(Sarasota, UPSCALE Sarasota INCALL & OUTCALLS)
*** VISITING!!! *** OnE Of A KiNd... EuRo AsIaN, TaLL, AND Naturally BUSTY! ** ReViEwEd ** - 28
(Sarasota, OUTCALL ONLY)
!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CALL ME NOW ************ Special Ends Friday ********** !!!!!!!!! 571 213 2331 - 19
Got Fantasies? Fantasy Wear By Your Choice. Allow me to Make All your Fantasies Come True! - 45
(Hillsborough Co, Tia/International Mall/S.Tpa/R.J Stadium)
@@New pictures...Ready to have fun..Specials@@ - 22
(Sarasota, state road 64 in bradenton off of 75)
I answer the door in this👀 lookinG like a chocolate BarbiE Doll 💨hot 💨hot 💨 hot. Upscale 💋 - 23
(Sarasota, Sarasota/Bradenton airport area)
⭐️💫*Exquisite* •💫⭐️*BLoNdE BeAuTy 💋 Come experience ⭐️TrUe SaTisFaCtiOn⭐️💫 💯% ReAL PiCs - 28
(Sarasota, Sarasota/Venice)
The girl you WISH lived next door.. ❤ NEW AND VISITING!!!! ❤ - 21
(Sarasota, Clearwater/St. Pete outcalls only)
💎The prettiest kitty 💎 - 25
(Fort Myers, Hillsborough Co, Sarasota, Tampa, Tampa fort myers sarasota)
Soccer Mom ready to play out fantasies with you! CALL~~~ V I V I A N anytime! - 34
AsIaN miXeD bAby ♥Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ♥ JuSt VisitiNg , ReaDy to ExPlorE ♥Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ.. Asia 727 906 7403 - - 22
(Sarasota, n.stpete&beach;/allManateeCounty/Sarasota)
Fri 03 Jan
-:¦:- ((SeXY))* (BrOWN) *(HoNEY))* 100% SO SEDUCTiVE~ (*GFE*) ~FETiSH PLeASURES~ »»NeW IN ToWN-:¦ - 23
Julia...G or g e o u s *** I n t e l l i g e n t *** A t t e n t i v e *** S e x y... - 30
L00kiNg ____ FoR ____ A ____ g00d ____ TimE *** WeLL ___ yOu ___ FoUnD ___ Us *** - 24 - 21
Call me for a good time Ivy! 9415392002... Outcall specials! Available anytime 24/7! - 26
(Sarasota, Sarasota... your place :))
Beauchan ENTERAINMENT company. Is Looking for 2 top of Line Escorts to work inCall in Sarasota FL - 99
(Sarasota, INCALL Sarasota,FL)
♥N E W《《Avαiℓabℓε Now》》LALA❤ Call Now ♡305-896-7889♡ - 19
(Sarasota, Bredenton, near desoto square mall)
💜Limited Engagement , One Night Only , One Lucky Guy💜 - 25
(Hillsborough Co, Lakeland, OUTCALLS ONLY, Pasco Co, Pinellas Co, Sarasota, Tampa)
♥♥♥♥ Jazmyne Karter Here 1st time! ♥♥♥♥ Long Exotic Hair GYPSY♥ Classy over Trashy ♥ VIP♥ - 21
(Sarasota, Sarasota/Brandenton In and Outcalls)
💋Come Into My World Of Pleasure💋 - 25
(Hillsborough Co, Lakeland, OUTCALLS ONLY, Pinellas Co, Sarasota, Tampa)
💋💋 chocolate lovers💋💋cold night Indulge in some chocolate (INCALLS Now AVAILABLE) call Now - 26
(Sarasota, Sarasota (Bradenton area NOW))
Beautiful UpScALe ClaSSy BLONDE Companion **** Gentlemens #1 choice in VIP Entertainment :) - 26
(Hillsborough Co, OUTCALLS ONLY)
~ ~ ~ C U B A N * * F I N E S T * * H E R E ~ W A I T I N G ~ F O R ~ Y O U (941.306.7466) - 19
(Sarasota/Fruitville Area)
$$$BONNIE$$$ 7272582461 Hot Moist And Ready Call Me Now If You Serious Don't Play Games - 22
(Pinellas Co, St Pete)
@@Specials...New pictures...Ready to have fun..Specials@@ - 22
(Sarasota, state road 64 in bradenton off of 75)
__♥ SEXXY iTALiAN ♥__ ViSiTiNG 2 DAYS ONLY ! ! !__ - 26
((sexy)) bAby .. I aM thE PuErTO RiCaN Mami .... OUTCALLS SPECIALLLLLSS !!!!! - 23
(Sarasota/Bradenton in/out)