Sun 05 Jan
Soft lips 👄curvy hips, I 💖 what I do and you will too..Friendly, affectionate and attentive - 35
(Sarasota, Sarasota/Clark 75)
we turn FANTASY into reality ... thursday night specials. CALL NOW!! xox - 23
(Sarasota, sr 64& west of i-75)
VISITING TODAY * * *SEXY, CLASSY, & FUN Colombian Beauty * * * 100% Real Pics, 100% Me * * * * * - 26
(Sarasota, sarasota off 75-Upscale 1pm-11pm)
☆★MONDAY MORNING- $70 ($60 for REG) ●● K@Li- (941) 737-6099(Come start your Monday off right)☆★ - 25
(Sarasota, BRADENTON/ i-75 & s.r 64/exit 220B)
☆★☆★ L@t€~Nit€ InCaLL SpEcIaL - $75 ★☆ ExTrA Di$COUNTS 4 R€P€AT CLi€Nt's ★☆ AvAiLaBlE NOW!! ☆★☆★ - 25
(Sarasota, BRADENTON/ i-75 & s.r 64/exit 220B)
☆★☆★ AVAILABLE NOW!! ▶$UNDA¥ €V€NING◀ SPECIAL's 4-incall & REPEAT client's (call4details)☆★☆★ - 25
(Sarasota, BRADENTON/ i-75 & s.r 64/exit 220B)
$75Beauootyliciou$100 BahamianBrownSugar! Amazing ASSets! A*GoldenGoddess* 4ALLur Adult Ent.NEEDS - 28
(Sarasota, Off I-75/&SR; 64 Bton/Sara In calls)
💋 All American Cougar ~ 100% Real Photos ~ Upscale InCall - 45
(Bradenton ~ 75 Fwy. State Route 64 Exit, Sarasota)
A Body Made For Sin 💋 Gorgeous Cougar 🌺Quality Vs Quantity 💋Discretion Is A Must - 45
(75 Fwy🌴Clark Rd. Exit🌴Close2Siesta Key, Sarasota)
(937)-481-1991 in/out calls specials Sexy☆Thick☆well stacked chocolate babe specials - 25
(Sarasota, St. Rd. 64 & I-75 OUTCALLS WELCOMED)
$75 saturday! Short notice OK! incall by Downtown Sarasota - 37
(Sarasota, Downtown Sarasota (941) 225-9572)
Soft lips 👄curvy hips, I 💖 what I do and you will too..LOTS OF NEW TOYS! NEW PICS - 31
(Sarasota, Sarasota/Clark 75)
*U*dsrv*ME*2day!* *Yummy*Beauootylicious* *BahamianBrownSugar!* *AffordableAmaz'nASSets!* *READ*AD* - 28
(Sarasota, Off I-75/&SR; 64 Bton/Sara In calls)
Tall, Blonde, Busty, Extremely Well reviewed Jessica Rabbit Lakewood Ranch Area in/out specials - 42
(near I-75 Lakewood Ranch Area, Sarasota)
LAST DAYS in Bradenton ***Sexy ***Seductive ***Curvy Body ***Latin Girl - 27
(Bradenton - Close to I-75 at Exit 220 B, Sarasota)
★ HUNGOVER from St. Patty's Day? I CAN HELP U START ur DAY! ;) ★$PECIAL 60$/hh (941) 737-6099★ - 25
(Sarasota, BRADENTON/ i-75 & s.r 64/exit 220B)
Ill help you finish off your weekend the right way 😉 .... Don't miss out! XO 💋 - 23
(Sarasota, SR 64 & I-75)
💋 All American Girl ~ 45 year old Cougar ~ 100% Real Photos ~ InCall - 45
(Bradenton ~ 75 Fwy. State Route 64 Exit, Sarasota)
*BeauOOtyLiCiouS* *BAHAMA*MAMA* *Rea$onable* *Amaz'n*ASS*ets* *ItsA*MEutiful* *SATisfyURselfDAY!* - 30
(Prvt Bton Res 5 min from i75 on SR64, Sarasota)
*** COME $P€ND $ATURDA¥ NIGHT W/me ~(NEW PIX!) ~ available now! *** - 27
(Sarasota, off i-75 @ st rd 64/exit 220B)
Tall, Blonde, Busty, Extremely Well reviewed Jessica Rabbit Lakewood Ranch Area in/out specials - 42
(near I-75 Lakewood Ranch Area, Sarasota)
*SUMMER IS HOT4U!* *BeauooDeliciouS!* *ISLAND*GODDESS!* *It'sTime4U2ExpME!*75hh *Amaz'n*ASS*ets! I/O - 30
(Sarasota, Prvt.B'ton.Res.5 mins.from75 or dwn town)
Super Sexy Latin 38DD Natural New Twn LILY 7726347986 - 39
(Sarasota, Brandenton..Sarasota.close 75)
Last few days!! ... We make FANTASY& reality COLLIDE! xox CALL NOW!! xox. 💋 - 23
(Sarasota, sr 64;; west of i-75)
Sat 04 Jan
VENICE: In/Call I-75 / Clark / MATURE Companion (Need Place To Rent) - 49
(Sarasota, Sarasota/Venice/North Port AREAS)
VISITING TODAY 12-8PM* *SEXY, CLASSY, & FUN Colombian Beauty * * * 100% Real Pics, 100% Me * * * * * - 26
(Sarasota, sarasota off 75-University Parkway)
☆★TUESDAY ALL DAY SPECIAL- $70 ($60 for REG) ●● K@Li- (941) 737-6099☆★ - 25
(Sarasota, BRADENTON/ i-75 & s.r 64/exit 220B)
we make FANTASY& reality collide! ... xox CALL NOW!! early AM SPECIALS XXO - 23
(Sarasota, sr 64;; west of i-75)
💋★ ~ CALL CANDI * You will be HAPPY you Did. Satifaction Guaranteed! Call about my SPECIAL💋★ - 29
(Sarasota, Nokomis)
💖💖💖 Well review busty Colombiana 💖💖 in town Thursday until friday at night. - 32
(Fruiville and I 75, Sarasota)
💖💟💖💖 Well review busty Colombiana new pic 100% Real 💖💖💋👄 in town today - 31
(Fruitville and I 75, Sarasota)
🏁Gentlemen I Start Your Engines🏁I Am 100% Real 100% Ready🏁Fast Finish 75/125/175🌹 941-212-2202 - 48
Quality Vs Quantity❤️ 💯Real Photos 💯Real Person❤️ Discretion Is A Must - 45
(75 Fwy 🌴 Clark Rd Exit, Sarasota)
New: Southern Charm (DD) "Fetish Friendly" Mature Gents Over 40yrs.old - 37
(Sarasota, Fruitville Exit off 1-75)
@@New pictures...Ready to have fun..Specials@@ - 22
(Sarasota, state road 64 in bradenton off of 75)
😘Lets escape reality && visit your 😻FANTASY world. TREAT YOURSELF! Don't miss out 💋 XO - 23
(Sarasota, SR 64 & I-75)
Adult Playmate/Aging Gracefully "Palmetto/In Call" Men Over 40yrs.old ONLY/NO EXCEPTIONS OR TEXT - 58
(Ellenton Exit 224 off 1-75, Sarasota)
**:•.♥ •:*¨¨* A ♥ ReAl ♥ PlaYFuL ♥ BrUnEtte BeAuTy *:•.♥ •:*¨¨** - 24
(Sarasota, Sarasota/Bradenton (I-75))
Adult Playmate: Palmetto/In Call "Tan Redhead" Mature Men Over 40yrs.old ONLY/NO EXCEPTIONS OR TEXT - 58
(Ellenton Exit 224 off 1-75, Sarasota)
↪↪ 941-666-1001↩↩ Are you looking for a Hot Blonde 2 B your Sexy 😻 Naughty Slave Kitten? - 31
(Sarasota, SR 64 &75 private incall)
We make FANTASY& Reality COLLIDE;; catch us before 430! ... xox CALL NOW!! xxo - 23
(Sarasota, sr 64;; west of i-75)
new spot & unbeatable specisls!.... We make FANTASY& reality COLLIDE! xox CALL NOW!! xox. 💋 - 23
(Sarasota, sr 64;; west of i-75)
*NEW PICS* We make FANTASY🔮& Reality COLLIDE🎁 ... xox CALL NOW!! xxo ...💋 - 23
(Sarasota, sr 64;; west of i-75)
Last few days!! ... We make FANTASY& reality COLLIDE! xox CALL NOW!! xox. 💋 - 23
(Sarasota, sr 64;; west of i-75)
Flex*100/150*ible *YummyBeauootylicious* *BahamianBrownSugar!* *AffordableAmaz'nASSets!* *READ*AD!* - 28
(Sarasota, Off I-75/&SR; 64 Bton/Sara In calls)
A Body Made For Sin ❤️100% Real Photos 💋Incall 5 ⭐️ Apartment - 39
(Bradenton 🌴 75 fwy 🌴State Route 64 exit, Sarasota)
Soft lips, Curvy hips, I love what I do, and you will too! Talented Playful Seductive and fun ☆☆☆☆ - 34
(Sarasota, Sarasota incall clark and 75)
Soft lips 👄curvy hips, I 💖 what I do and you will too..LOTS OF NEW TOYS! NEW PICS - 31
(Sarasota, Sarasota/Clark 75)
*Spring4ward2ME!* *Yummy*Beauootylicious* *BahamianBrownSugar* *AffordableAmaz'nASSets!* *Com*C*ME*! - 28
(Sarasota, B'ton.Prvt Res.Off(75)SR64/manatee aveE)
last day here! ... We make FANTASY& reality COLLIDE! xox CALL NOW!! xox. 💋 - 23
(Sarasota, sr 64;; west of i-75)
Have a Wild Weekend with Jana the Sweet Girl Next Door and Bubbly Brunette Beauty Brandi! - 28
(Fort Myers, Punta Gorda by I-75, Sarasota)
Exotic Persian/Israeli & English~ 100% Real Photos ~ InCall - 39
(Bradenton ~ 75 Fwy. State Route 64 Exit, Sarasota)