Tue 07 Jan
Hot, sexy, young, and fun!! Short, thick, and sweet!! 941-275-0850 - 25
(Sarasota, Nokomis, Sarasota, Bradenton, North P)
🎀I'm SO Cute👙 U Should Wear Me LIke A Suit👔 I Think I'd Look Pretty Good ON U !!! 100🌹s ➒➍❶❼❼❼❺➐❹➐ - 48
(ENGLEWOOD off 776, Sarasota)
~*Come Play Naughty or Nice with a Sweet & Sexy Italian Temptress*~ CALL FOR SPECIALS - 26
(Sarasota, South Sarasota and Surrounding areas)
Exotic👄Bronze👄Goddess 💲hr Specials💲📷 Always 💯% Real or Free - 28
(Sarasota, Sarasota Airport/Incall Only)
¤ErOtIc BlOnDe¤ NeW iN tOwN¤ nEvEr SeEn HeRe BeFoRe¤ - 18
(Sarasota, Sarasota and surrounding areas)
**(click here)*(click here)so many sexy, erotic women with PINK LIPS to choose from 4 outcall!! - 25
(Sarasota, tampa,clearwater,sarasota,brandon)
Come get what YOU deserve a time u will not forget! Talented unforgettable blonde - 20
(Sarasota, BRADENTON)
!!!!! Dont Waste Your Time With the Rest, Come hook up with the BEST ****** !!!!!!!!! 571 213 2331 - 19
Mon 06 Jan
Seeking My Sugar ......... Only Classy, Respectful Gents Need Reply - 35
(Tampa, HOLIDAY - Private Residence)
Shannon Very petite and fun! Available Today Incall ALL NEW PHOTOS OF YOUR FAV GIRL 10-5 - 23
(Sarasota, bradenton)
Sexy cute next door beauty 9414049124!:-) Last chance before holiday! - 30
(Sarasota, North Sarasota)
See the Wild and Beautiful Nadia 239-682-7953 in or out calls up late - 23
looking to enjoy your evening.. with a Exotic women that will make all your fantasy come true.. - 33
(Bradenton and Sarasota near airport, Sarasota)
Looking for Upscale, No Nonsense, Fun Loving Gentlemen as regular clientèle for Fun & Excitement!!! - 24
Lonely, Bored, Frisky, & Wanting to PLAY 👄 Specials are just a call or text away💋👅👄❤🌹 - 37
(Lockwood Ridge & 17th St, Private Res, Sarasota)
★.•*¨ LATE . . N I T E - : ☆:-•* S N A C K------ H O T T •-: N ☆ R E A D Y . . .AVAILABLE NOW - 28
(Sarasota, Beneva n 17)
Carmen Sexy, Exotic bombshell. 100% satisfaction incall only.. Monday 10am-10pm $80 1/hr - 18
(Sarasota, sarasota/bradenton)
Being Kept in a Cliff Hanging State of Arousal for an indefinite period of time... - 44
(Sarasota, Sarasota/Fort Myers)
Call me now about my super sexy Thursday specials !! Tori 941 462-5324 - 28
(Sarasota, Sarasota , Bradenton)
19+ years, 1200+ Adult Models, Highest weekly model Payroll $$Adult$$ Print/Web/Video
(Fort Myers, Lakeland, Sarasota, Tampa, USA)
** Upscale ** Well Reviewed ** Blonde Bombshell ** TeXas HearTBreaKer ** IT'S ME OR IT'S FREE ** - 23
(Sarasota, Outcalls Only)
*** ______PUTT ________ IT_____ WHERE YOU_______ WANT IT ______SWEET HONEY - 25
(sara/brad/st pete /tampa)
Wake Up Daddy!!!.... I Cant Sleep >>>> Cumm Put Me To Bed! $100 Up to 45min F*S Session - 21
(RJ Stadium(in/out))
You decide where your little friend would be the most happiest! - 23
(Sarasota, bradenton, sarasota All over In or out)
You can choice 👐 👐 ❤19teen babes, cariñosas.❤💋 . 🏩🚗💨COME NOW!!©💒🎉🎊 - 19
(5 min by the Sarasota airport, Sarasota)
★TiReD of FaKeS ☆ PicK Me ★ REAL ChoCoLaTe DrEAm☆ New Too The Area!! - 22
(Sarasota, Your place or mine-Bradenton)
VISITING TODAY * * *SEXY, CLASSY, & FUN Colombian Beauty * * * 100% Real Pics, 100% Me * * * * * - 26
(Sarasota, sarasota off 75-Upscale 1pm-11pm)
_______ Tall ____ _______ Blonde __________ Fetish- -Queen __________ GODIVA _______ - 26
(Incall/ Outcall)
🌟 morning specials with _Jessie J 👈🏼💋In call & outcall Available Now 9415242604 - 30
ISLAND NATIVE...Blue Eyed...Brunette Beauty...Your Petite Treat!!! - 26
(Sarasota, Bradenton/ Sarasota)
L ((☻)) ((☻)) K ▐ ▐ ▐ ▐ ► •A MUST SEE!! ✔VERY EXOTIC ✔ONE oF A KiND ✔ BEAUTY - 26
(Sarasota, sarasota/bradenton)
I T A L I A N S* DO IT *B E T T E R!!! sexy clean upscale classy. EVERYTHING you need call - 23
(Sarasota, Sarasota bradonton portcharlotte N.P)
Come See Why My Regulars Come Back! ERIKA Your Irish Beauty! 24/7 Always!$ 50 Qv Specials!!! - 33
(Bradenton/Sarasota/Palmetto, Sarasota)
*Blue * Eye * Bombshell * Loves To Please & Party Like You've Never had! !!! - 21
(Sarasota, Bradenton /Sarasota)
BBW***Sweet seductive big beautiful woman ready for some fun!! **Big girls do it better!** - 28
(Sarasota, Englewood)