Mon 27 Jan
~ ~ ~ P U E R T O * R I C O * A N D * C U B A * I N * T O W N * P A P I ** Y O U R * C H O I C E *** - 23
(Sarasota/Fruitville area)
*Play BALL with SUMMER Sunday * InCall Specials - Private Residence Cattlemen/Bee Ridge - 28
(Sarasota, South Sarasota)
*-:¦:-* One in a *MILLION*... Top-notch Brunette Bunny! Upscale Provider! OUTCALLS Only! *-:¦:-* - 23
(Sarasota, OUTCALLS ONLY ***Specials***)
ONLY THE BEST! … Waiting For U! *Petite and Pretty* ♡♡ - 22
(Sarasota, sarasota,bradenton,north port,venice)
▀▄▀♥️MONICA ♥️▀▄▀▄♥️▃▅▆█ 🌹NEW🌹 █▆▅▃♥️🔱READY 🔱█▒ NOW █▒ 😍REVIEWED...😘 - 23
(Sarasota, Sarasota & Surrounding Areas OUTCALLS)
MADISONS Sweet Sinful PLEASURES. Very Skilled HOT Blonde! Call me if your seeking good company :) - 20
(Sarasota, brad/sara 813 525 2353)
NEW GiRL ! (¯`'•.¸☆¸.•'´¯) jUSt gOT tO tOWN (¯`'•.¸☆¸.•'´¯) SEXY & CLAssy (¯`'•.¸☆¸.•'´¯) Visiting - 21
MoR€ N€W Pi©$ * L€@ViNG 2MoRRoW * 5 ST@R * ToP NoT©H * 100% REAL * Av@iL NoW up all night - 21
(Sarasota, bradenton/sarasota in/out calls)
MADISONS PLEASURES ¤Hot NEW pics¤ 100% NON rushed & real Sweetest girl EVER! 941 462 5180 - 20
(Sarasota, Outcall brad/sara Incall sarasota)
*♫* LaST DAy here *♫* $120 incalls and $180 outcall special *♫* 100% real pics - 19
(Sarasota, sarasota incalls and outcalls everywhere)
Last 2 days!!!! Russian model for Upscale gentlemen, 100% real pics!!! - 26
(Sarasota, Sarasota near airport incall + outcalls)
Im on🔥and super 💦GREAT early bird Specials you ready to have some CHOCOLATE 🍸937-481-1991💋 - 25
(Sarasota, Us 41 outcalls welcomed)
》》》IM YouR ☆DREAM Girl☆ 》》》◆♡◆ InViTiNg_ _yOuNg_ _pLayFuL ◆♡◆ available NOW - 21
(Sarasota, OUTCALLS ◇◆Hours 12pm to 6pm)
Independent *❤҉ღ♥ ABSΘLUT€LY°•❤•° AMAZi₦G °•❤•°Sw€€t ❥SE×X¥ ❥¢u®v¥ ❥ Brunεttε ღ♥ ҉ * - 28
☆☆☆Late nIgHt SpeAials☆☆☆ AvAIlaBLE NoW!!! ☆☆ ☆☆ - 26
(Hernando Co, Hillsborough Co, Outcalls, Pasco Co, Pinellas Co, Sarasota, Tampa)
Juicy Jada - 👑 - Young 💕 Petite 💕 Fun 💕 Outcalls! - 20
(Bradenton & Sarasota Outcalls Only, Sarasota)
Irresistible Spring break hot blonde in your area□●○•° limited time °•○●□ fantastic companion !! - 21
(Sarasota, Outcalls, Venice, sarasota, Bradenton,)
❃❉ Hot Body ❉❃ Nice boobs★☆ Pretty Face★☆ I can be Naugh-ty or Nice! OUTCALLS - 24
(Sarasota, Bradenton to Sarasota)
HOTT HOTT GIRLS! CALL TODAY!! $100 special!! $200 2-4-1 private, upscale incall - 18
(Sarasota, Sarasota/Bradenton)
Incalls and outcalls 💜♥¤♥💜 Last Day Specials 💜♥¤♥💜 petite body - 21
(Sarasota, incalls and outcalls)
Hey guys I'm back! Have you missed me? 90$ Outcall specials now today only! New pics! - 25
(Sarasota, Sarasota... your place :))
HOT Blonde ready for fun very talented OUTCALLS only 941 896 0418 specials avail - 20
(Sarasota, Outcalls sara & brad)
❃❉ Hot Body ❉❃ Nice boobs★☆ Pretty Face★ OUTCALLS 10am to 8pm - 24
(Sarasota, Bradenton to Sarasota)
!!!!!!!! H E Y * P A P I * T H E * C U B A N * I S * H E R E * !!!!!!!!! A R E L I S * B A B Y !!!! - 19
💋💓Hey Guys Its Diamond Banks And I'm Back NEW NUMBER💖💋347-785-5103 - 23
(Sarasota, Upscale University furitville in /out)
Happy New Year !!! 100% Real & Current Pix! Guarantee its me or date is FREE! - 27
(Sarasota, OutCalls Only Until 1/5/2014)
Fixed #*Niki *Come see me* 👀 Unforgetful and Attentive ❤️ - 24
(Fort Myers, North Port, Venice, Englewood, Pc, Pg, Sarasota)
❃❉ End the Year with the Absolute BEST★ You won't be disappointed - 24
(Sarasota, Bradenton and Sarasota)
E X O T IC💛N E W 💛💛💛L I M I T E D T I M E💛💛💛 T R U E 😍B E A U T Y 💛💛💛H O T💛💛💛 100%REAL - 21
(Incall &Outcalls;● upscale ● safe trust, Sarasota)
♡ ♡ ♡ CuTiE witH A BoOtY ♡ ♡ ♡ Let's TALK >>> - 23
(Hernando Co, Hillsborough Co, Incalls / outcalls, Pasco Co, Pinellas Co, Sarasota, Tampa)
*!*DON'T Settle For Average When You Can Have The *BEST*!!!*♥*Shani Reid!*♥*!* - 21
(Sarasota, Venice/Nokomis)
"BreaKing NEWS"!! Openminded & Gorgeous Woman Gives MAN time oF His LIFE!! click to FiND out MORE - 21
(Sarasota, incall/out)
*~* Dripping With Pleasure*~*Pics are 1000% Real *~* !!! - 35
(Sarasota, Sarasota/Bradenton Airport)
*★☆♛•DON'T Settle 4 Awesome When U Can Have *AMAZING*!*♥*Shani Reid*♥*New Pics! Incall Specials ♛★☆* - 23
(Sarasota, Venice/Nokomis)
*Deseree* is here this afternoon with an exciting Friday special to start your weekend! - 23
(Sarasota, Bradenton-Sarasota)
Cool in Fall, but Thursday is BLAZING HOT in SUMMER! -InCall-941/284-7646- Cattlemen/Bee Ridge - 28
(Sarasota, South Sarasota)
Caramel Bombshell😍 READY FOR YOU!! Avail Now! Outcall ONLY! 8134749940 Now 💋 - 31
(Outcalls-Sarasota/Bradenton/Surrounding, Sarasota)
Caramel Bombshell😍 IN TOWN!! Outcall ONLY! Available So Call Now 8134749940 Now 💋 - 31
(Outcalls-Sarasota/Bradenton/Surrounding, Sarasota)