Mon 27 Jan
WAITING for You! WILLING to Accompany You to Your Desires - 19
(Fort Myers, Lakeland, Sarasota, Tampa, anywhere you want me!)
vanessa **** 60$ ***** special let me be your fantasy - 28
(Pinellas Co, Sarasota by taco bell on 301/ us 41)
★★ W€€K€ND SP€CIAL (80).00-incall only + AVAILABL€ - NOW ★★ R€VI€W€D & professiona - 25
(Sarasota, st.rd 64/ exit 220B)
We are waiting for you :) 2x the fun 2x the pleasure Summer & Zoey - 22
(Sarasota, sarasota bradenton area)
TREAT YOURSELF TO SUM DESSERT!! AVAILABLE now for in & outcalls! call CRYSTAL @ 941.301.6889 - 26
(Sarasota, Sarasota incall & outcall avail)
*** The Ride of You Life Special today ****** two hot girls for 125******* - 25
(Sarasota, Downtown Sarasota)
Tampa Incall Only. Avail 10am/??? Low VOl. 1 Sexy "Lil" Kinkstress Evening Appt 4 Established Reqs - 46
(Hillsborough Co, Pinellas Co, R.J. Stadium/Airport/Intern Mall/MY HOME, Sarasota, Tampa)
=°=°=°=$tArT MoNdA¥ $tReSS FR€€== (NEW PIX!) . available now - 27
(Sarasota, off i-75 @ st rd 64/exit 220B)
TIRED OF FAKE PICTURES"? nothing to hide at SUITE 4 We are New,fun,nd have the hottest attendants - 18
(Sarasota, 5119 n tamiami trail sarasota)
The California Girl...Ready 2 Play... Venice & Sur Area - 49
(Sarasota, Venice, Sarasota, Surrounding Area)
T a k e . I t . T u e s D a y . . S u p e r O u t c a l l Low Rate S p e c i a l . . Now - 25
(Sarasota, Local)
Up Early! ♡♥♡simply irresistible♡♥♡ Gorgeous College Girl --------- OUT-CAllS ONLY! - 21
(Pinellas Co, Out Call Only - ALL OVER **)
U P ° ~ * ° ~ L A T E* ° ~ * ° ~ I'L L PUT * ° ~ Y O U * ° ~ ~ * ° 2 B E D - 28
(Sarasota, Out or In)
~Tuesday Let's Play!!~ **Hourglass Beauty** ~Outcall~ - 25
(Sarasota, Sarasota, Venice, Port Ch, Outcall)
~Tuesday 2 for 1 special on hour rates only or for half $80 ( 941) 465-2468 - 27
Totally Gorgeous Hottie, I Will Blow Your Mind!
(Fort Myers, Lakeland, Sarasota, Tampa, anywhere you want me!)
Tropikkal Delight:Don't wait til Thanksgiving to hav ur sweet pie!$40, $60, $120 lets chat ;) - 32
(Sarasota, Bradenton, sarasota, venice, palmetto)
Sunday S*P*E*C*I*A*LS* @Revitalize Spa Devon James * Skylar * Jessy * Phoenixx * Samantha 24/7 - 25
(Sarasota, off cortez behind demetrios pizza)
❤Tuesday SPECIALS❤ (13) 5 STAR REVIEWS ❤ im the hottest here! ❤ 100% EXPERIENCE ❤ N. Saint Pete - 35
(Pinellas Co, Feathersound / 4th street)
💥Tonight at Fusion Salon💥Brand New Showdolls👀Victoria, Lola, Krissy, and Nyla - 21
(Sarasota, Sarasota Airport & 41)
Tired of the inexperienced girls? Roxanne is back and better than ever!! - 46
(Sarasota, South Sarasota)
Super Sexy, Sweet and Available Now! See My Pics...
(Fort Myers, Lakeland, Sarasota, Tampa, anywhere you want me!)
Tasty •°♥°• cLasSy •°♥°• All NatUraL bEautY •°♥°• aVaiLabLe nOw To SaTisFy yOuR EVERY nEed♥ - - 20
*+*+* Tall, Seductive, Redhead! Wednesday Specials, You Won't Be Disappointed! $40 until 9pm! - 38
(Sarasota, Incall Bradenton. (941) 237-7111)
SUnday Is FUNday‼️ #TopChoices‼️ SExxxY GIRLS‼️DOUBLE Delight👯 Ask HOW‼️💥Quality @Reasonable Rates!!💯💃 - 21
(Sarasota, SRQ)
The Best Oil Change in Town-Out - Natural Voluptuous not to big or to small just right$ 70 JOY RIDE - 26
(Sarasota, north sarasota)
STRIKING BEAUTIFUL Redheaded 36-DD-29-36 Come the Week with A GREAT ! - 47
★*•♛•*☆* Thursday Specials* •♛•*YoUr* °T°R°U° •:¦:• GiRL*NeXt*DoOr •-:¦:-• *♥*Aubrey Ann*♥*☆*•♛•*★ - 19
(Sarasota, Venice)
Tampa Incall Only. Avail 10am/4pm upscale discreet SAFE Home Low VOl. T3R. Mature Hot Tan 36DD Blond - 46
(Hillsborough Co, Pinellas Co, R.J. Stadium/Airport/Intern Mall/MY HOME, Sarasota, Tampa)
_______ Tall ___________ Blonde __________ Fetish- -Queen ________ GODIVA ______- - 28
(S A R A S O T A)
sweet,sexy girl next door!! open minded. discreet location. - 29
(Sarasota, n. sarasota and surrounding area's)
Tampa~Luscsious Lips ***Zoe*** Mature Gal ~ I Would Love To Take You To Oz & So Much More ~ - 43
Sweet Hot Voluptuous BBW!!! DDD Tits all Natural Openminded PASSIONATE!! - 40
(Sarasota, sara/brdtn)
Super Sexy, Sweet and Available Now! See My Pics... - 19
(Fort Myers, Lakeland, Sarasota, Tampa, 10 minutes away)
Stop On By For A Bit Of Fun Added To Your Day for only$60! - 37
(Sarasota, Downtown Sarasota (941) 225-9572)
Soccer Mom ready to play out fantasies with you! CALL~~~ V I V I A N anytime! - 34
✾* Clean // Classy *✾* HONEST *✾* Professional // Provider *✾* - 24
(Sarasota / Airport / in or out)
Super Sexy, Sweet and Available Now! See My Pics...
(Fort Myers, Lakeland, Sarasota, Tampa, In your arms ;))