Sat 22 Feb
Mon 27 Jan
VISTing YOUNG LATIN BRUNETTE with silky black hair and TIGHT CURVES and a great pair of KNOCKERS - 23
⬛️🔲🔲🔲⬛️▃▃▃▃⬛️🔲🔴 Super Attractive STAFF 🍎🍊🔴🔲⬛️▃▃▃▃⬛️🔲🔴🍊🍎 THE ULTIMATE PARADISE IN FL 🔴🔲⬛️▃▃▃▃⬛️🔲🔴 - 22
(Sarasota, 🔴🔴🔴🔴 AIRPORT AND 41 / 941-355-3999)
SuPeR, SeXy, FuN, TiMe @ mY nEw LoCaTiOn - SuPeR cLeAn, W/ pRiVaTe eNtRaNcE. - 25
(Incall/Outcall- Traveling Not a Problem)
▃▃ ⚫️⚫️💟⚫️⚫️ ▃▃▃▃▃ 🍎STEP INTO OUR PARADISE - NEW STAFF ▃⚫️⚫️💟⚫️⚫️▃ STUNNING BEAUTY 🍎 ▃▃▃▃▃▃⚫️⚫️💟⚫️⚫️▃▃▃▃▃ - 22
(Sarasota, 🔴🔴🔴🔴 AIRPORT AND 41 / 941-355-3999)
SWEET JAYSHA** GFE and watch porn with me privately incall/outcall hourglass BBW - 33
(sarasota, bradenton, tampa)
**New Pic You've Never Seen..EVER!!**(only 6 guessed right so far!.xD..Guess for Huge*SPECIAL*!! - 45
(Pasco Co, palm harbor/clearwater/tampa)
**New Pic You've Never Seen..EVER!!**(only 2 guessed right so far!.xD..Guess for Huge*SPECIAL*!! - 45
(Pasco Co, palm harbor/clearwater/tampa)
New in town sexy As Hell Sweet As Candy let me be your eye candy - 24
(Sarasota, in call by airport out called everywhere)
NeW 80Qk NeW💦SplashinSundayyyy SPCLS🚿🍆 Bomb💣Kitty😺😻SmokinHotBabe - 22
(fowler Ave/st Petersburg/ /incalls only, Hillsborough Co, Lakeland, Sarasota, Tampa)
!!!!!!!! H E Y * P A P I * T H E * C U B A N * I S * H E R E * !!!!!!!!! A R E L I S * B A B Y !!!! - 19
DREAMGIRL ** Relaxation Guaranteed! ** Thirsty Thursday & Freaky Friday! Outcall SPECIAL - 20
BBW **JAYSHA** hourglass hips DDs offers GFE or watch porn with me alone incall/outcall - 33
* Ashley~*100 SPECIAL~ NoW In VeNiCe ~* ___ _____ ______~*VoTeD #1~*By TaMpAs HoTtEsT MaGaZiNe ~* - 69
* Ashley~*100 SPECIAL~ NoW In VeNiCe ~* ___ _____ ______~*aFtEr ThE rEsT cAlL tHe BEST!!!~* - 22
* 24/7~*100 SPECIAL~ NoW In VeNiCe ~* ___ _____ ______~*VoTeD #1~*By TaMpAs HoTtEsT MaGaZiNe ~* - 97
Eva 🌹🌹ROSE🌹🌹SPECIALS SPECIAL(50)QV experience and excited to hang with you!!!813-358-1385 - 26
(Sarasota, Sarasota ✈✈airport ✈✈area)
WE NEED LOCAL LADIES! Top Pay and Splits. Top Agency In The Country. Highly Trained Team
(Fort Myers, Lakeland, Sarasota, Tampa, Local or Travel)
Santa's Little Helper....get ready to meet, someone sexy & sweet!! - 28
(Sarasota, Sarasota and surrounding county's.)
**New Pic You've Never Seen..EVER!!**(only 6 guessed right so far!.xD..Guess for Huge*SPECIAL*!! - 45
(Pasco Co, palm harbor/clearwater/tampa)
**New Pic You've Never Seen..EVER!!**(only 2 guessed right so far!.xD..Guess for Huge*SPECIAL*!! - 45
(Pasco Co, palm harbor/clearwater/tampa)
***** N E W * I N * T O W N* P A P I ****** C U B A N * F O R * Y O U ******* C A L L * M E * ****** - 19
Kinky, , Freaky Fun ❤ 2 Elegant Playmates ❤ Great Rates & Excellent Reviews! - 18
(In & Outcalls Avail.)
!!!!!!!! H E Y * P A P I * T H E * C U B A N * I S * H E R E * !!!!!!!!! A R E L I S * B A B Y !!!! - 19