Mon 27 Jan
WE ARE OPEN FOR THE STORM...(100$ 1/hr) 2-4-1 (160$ 1/hr) TOTAL experience OPEN 24 HOURS - 18
(Sarasota, ScentSations Spa (941)462-6789)
Welcome lilly & shay! ScentSations sexy n fun attendants 120$ flat rates 1/hr Open 9am-9pm - 18
(Sarasota, Bradenton)
The ultimate experience awaits you! SCENTSATIONS SPA 100$/hr full vip package WE ARE OPEN - 21
(Sarasota, ScentSations (941)462-6789)
♣ :*:•. ♔ •:*¨: ♣ THE ♔ ROYAL ♔ TREATMENT♣ :*:•. ♔ •:*¨: ♣ OPEN 24 HRS welcome Chelsea & Mya $80/hr - 18
(Sarasota, ScentSations Spa (941)462-6789)
♣ :*:•. ♔ •:*¨: ♣ THE ♔ ROYAL ♔ TREATMENT♣ :*:•. ♔ •:*¨: ♣ HOT GIRLS OPEN 24HRS $80/hr flatrate - 18
(Sarasota, ScentSations Spa (941)462-6789)
The ultimate experience awaits you! 120$/hr 2-4-1 the full vip bliss! SEXY, FUN AND PLEASING LADIES - 21
(Sarasota, ScentSations (941)462-6789)
SKYLER IS BACK!! available 10am-5pm incall now $100 flat rate special COME AND SEE ME ;) - 21
(Sarasota, ScentSations (941)462-6789)
SKYLER IS BACK!! available 8pm-8am FRIDAY incall now $100 flat rate special COME AND SEE ME ;) - 21
(Sarasota, ScentSations (941)462-6789)
✦ RELIEVE ✦ UNWANTED ✦ STRESS ✦ EXCLUSIVE ✦ THERAPY ✦ $100/hr flat rate!!! Book your appt toda - 18
(Sarasota, ScentSations Spa (941)462-6789)
ScentSations (120$ for 1hr) flat rate MEMORIAL WEEK SPECIAL The total experience awaits you... - 18
(Sarasota, Bradenton)
✦ RELIEVE ✦ UNWANTED ✦ STRESS ✦ EXCLUSIVE ✦ THERAPY ✦ 2-4-1 160/hr flat rate!!! Book your appt today - 21
(Sarasota, ScentSations (941)462-6789)
✦ RELIEVE ✦ UNWANTED ✦ STRESS ✦ EXCLUSIVE ✦ THERAPY ✦ 2-4-1 160/hr flat rate!!! Book your appt today - 18
(Sarasota, ScentSations Spa (941)462-6789)
NOW OPEN 24/7 WELCOME kayla, carmen, nikki, roxanne and ashley 100$ flatrate Sexy,fun and satisfying - 18
(Sarasota, ScentSations Spa (941)462-6789)
Private ~ Sensual ~ Upscale! Welcome Chelsea & Mya OPEN 24HRS Free Admission w/ad :) - 21
(Sarasota, ScentSations (941)462-6789)
NOW OPEN 24/7 WELCOME kayla, carmen, nikki, roxanne and ashley 100$ flat rate TONIGHT!! - 18
(Sarasota, ScentSations Spa (941)462-6789)
LOOK flatrate packages are HERE!! MIA IS HERE Open daily 10am-1am $100 1/hr Hot New Faces!! - 18
(Sarasota, ScentSations Spa (941)462-6789)
LOOK flatrate packages are HERE!! WELCOME BACK NIKKI, MIA AND DESIREE :) $100 1/hr see ya soon - 18
(Sarasota, ScentSations Spa (941)462-6789)
HAPPY HOLIDAYS open 24HRS $80 full 1/hr SPECIAL ✦ EXCLUSIVE ✦ THERAPY ✦ pleasing ladies - 18
(Sarasota, ScentSations Spa (941)462-6789)
GRAND OPENING!! 120$ flat rate Sexy & Fun Attendants.. WELCOME TASHA AND SABRINA! ScentSations SPA - 18
(Sarasota, Bradenton)
Guaranteed the best ladies and rates in town!! $100/hr total flatrate WEEKEND SPECIAL ;) OPEN 24HRS - 21
(Sarasota, ScentSations (941)462-6789)
Guaranteed the best ladies and rates in town!! $100/hr total flatrate 2-4-1 SPECIAL ;) - 21
(Sarasota, ScentSations (941)462-6789)
DESEREE IS BACK!! available this week only (10-5) call now $100 special - 21
(Sarasota, ScentSations (941)462-6789)
Come see why we are the BEST! Breathtaking upscale ladies 100$ flat rate this week ONLY SCENTSATIONS - 18
(Sarasota, Bradenton)
Come experience the BEST!! Professional, beautiful ladies FREE ADMISSION.. OPEN 24 HOURS ;) - 18
(Sarasota, ScentSations Spa (941)462-6789)
✦ RELIEVE ✦ UNWANTED ✦ STRESS ✦ EXCLUSIVE ✦ THERAPY ✦ $100/hr flat rate!!! Book your appt toda - 18
(Sarasota, ScentSations Spa (941)462-6789)
Private ~ Sensual ~ Upscale! Welcome Chelsea & Mya OPEN 24HRS Free Admission w/ad :) - 21
(Sarasota, ScentSations (941)462-6789)
Private ~ Sensual ~ Upscale! $40/hr your choice Happy Holidays OPEN daily 10am-4am - 21
(Sarasota, ScentSations (941)462-6789)
NOW OPEN 24/7 WELCOME kayla, carmen, nikki, roxanne and ashley 100$ flat rate TONIGHT!! - 18
(Sarasota, ScentSations Spa (941)462-6789)
LOOK flatrate packages are HERE!! MIA IS HERE Open daily 10am-1am $100 1/hr Hot New Faces!! - 18
(Sarasota, ScentSations Spa (941)462-6789)
Sun 12 Jan
The ultimate experience awaits you! SCENTSATIONS SPA 100$/hr full vip package OPEN 24 HRS - 21
(Sarasota, ScentSations (941)462-6789)
DESEREE IS BACK!! available this week only (10-5) call now $100 special - 21
(Sarasota, ScentSations (941)462-6789)
Sat 11 Jan
HAPPY HOLIDAYS! OPEN 24hrs ✦ EXCLUSIVE ✦ THERAPY ✦ $80 1/2hr flat rate! Welcome Chelsea and mya - 18
(Sarasota, ScentSations Spa (941)462-6789)
Come see why we are the BEST! Breathtaking upscale ladies 160$ 2/hr special THIS WEEK ONLY!!! - 18
(Sarasota, Bradenton)
♣ :*:•. ♔ •:*¨: ♣ THE ♔ ROYAL ♔ TREATMENT♣ :*:•. ♔ •:*¨: ♣ HOT GIRLS OPEN 24HRS $80/hr flatrate - 18
(Sarasota, ScentSations Spa (941)462-6789)
Sexy&Fun; attendants BEST PRICES IN TOWN!! Upscale SPA 100$ flat rate for 30min OPEN 9-9pm - 18
(Sarasota, Bradenton)
GRAND OPENING!! 120$ flat rate Sexy & Fun Attendants.. WELCOME TASHA AND SABRINA! ScentSations SPA - 18
(Sarasota, Bradenton)
Guaranteed the best ladies and rates in town!! $100/hr total flatrate WEEKEND SPECIAL ;) OPEN 24HRS - 21
(Sarasota, ScentSations (941)462-6789)
The total experience awaits you... OPEN 24HRS Beautiful satisfying attendants 120$ for 1/hr flatrate - 18
(Sarasota, ScentSations Spa (941)462-6789)
Private ~ Sensual ~ Upscale! $40/hr your choice Happy Holidays OPEN daily 10am-4am - 21
(Sarasota, ScentSations (941)462-6789)
Fri 10 Jan
Guaranteed the best ladies and rates in town!! $100/hr total flatrate 2-4-1 SPECIAL ;) - 21
(Sarasota, ScentSations (941)462-6789)
SKYLER IS BACK!! available 8pm-8am FRIDAY incall now $100 flat rate special COME AND SEE ME ;) - 21
(Sarasota, ScentSations (941)462-6789)
Thu 09 Jan
WE ARE OPEN FOR THE STORM...(100$ 1/hr) 2-4-1 (160$ 1/hr) TOTAL experience OPEN 24 HOURS - 18
(Sarasota, ScentSations Spa (941)462-6789)
NOW OPEN 24/7 WELCOME kayla, carmen, nikki, roxanne and ashley 100$ flatrate Sexy,fun and satisfying - 18
(Sarasota, ScentSations Spa (941)462-6789)
HAPPY HOLIDAYS open 24HRS $80 full 1/hr SPECIAL ✦ EXCLUSIVE ✦ THERAPY ✦ pleasing ladies - 18
(Sarasota, ScentSations Spa (941)462-6789)
Come experience the BEST!! 100$/hr total SPECIAL!! Very private, upscale Spa... Beautiful ladies - 21
(Sarasota, ScentSations (941)462-6789)
Wed 08 Jan
SCENTSATIONS II COMING SOON! A special thanks to our LOYAL CUSTOMERS!! $120 flatrate 1/hr - 18
(Sarasota, ScentSations Spa (941)462-6789)
Tue 07 Jan
$100 1/hr FLATRATE SPECIALS ARE HERE ;) Real girls!! Real deal!! stop in today... 100% satisfaction - 18
(Sarasota, ScentSations Spa (941)462-6789)
Guaranteed the best ladies and rates in town!! $100/hr total flatrate 2-4-1 SPECIAL ;) OPEN 24HRS - 21
(Sarasota, ScentSations (941)462-6789)
Guaranteed satisfaction here! WEEKEND SPECIAL $100/hr total flatrate 2-4-1 SPECIAL ;) - 21
(Sarasota, ScentSations (941)462-6789)
$100 1/hr FLATRATE SPECIALS ARE HERE ;) Real girls!! Real deal!! stop in today... 100% satisfaction - 18
(Sarasota, ScentSations Spa (941)462-6789)
✦ RELIEVE ✦ UNWANTED ✦ STRESS ✦ EXCLUSIVE ✦ THERAPY ✦ 2-4-1 $100/hr flat rate!!! Book your appt toda - 18
(Sarasota, ScentSations Spa (941)462-6789)
Come see why we are the BEST Breathtaking upscale ladies 120$ flat rate SPECIALS for 1/hr - 18
(Sarasota, Bradenton)
Mon 06 Jan
The total experience awaits you... OPEN 24HRS Beautiful satisfying attendants 120$ for 1/hr flatrate - 18
(Sarasota, ScentSations Spa (941)462-6789)
♣ :*:•. ♔ •:*¨: ♣ THE ♔ ROYAL ♔ TREATMENT♣ :*:•. ♔ •:*¨: ♣ First Class girls are here!! $100/hr - 18
(Sarasota, ScentSations Spa (941)462-6789)
✦ RELIEVE ✦ UNWANTED ✦ STRESS ✦ EXCLUSIVE ✦ THERAPY ✦ 2-4-1 $100/hr flat rate!!! Book your appt toda - 18
(Sarasota, ScentSations Spa (941)462-6789)
Guaranteed the best ladies and rates in town!! $100/hr total flatrate 2-4-1 SPECIAL ;) OPEN 24HRS - 21
(Sarasota, ScentSations (941)462-6789)
The ultimate experience awaits you! 120$/hr 2-4-1 the full vip bliss! SEXY, FUN AND PLEASING LADIES - 21
(Sarasota, ScentSations (941)462-6789)
Come see why we are the BEST! Breathtaking upscale ladies 100$ flat rate this week ONLY SCENTSATIONS - 18
(Sarasota, Bradenton)
Sun 05 Jan
LABOR DAY WEEKEND 100$ (full 30 min)SPECIAL... Beautiful ladies Upscale, private SPA OPEN 24 HRS - 18
(Sarasota, ScentSations Spa (941)462-6789)
CARMEN'S BIRTHDAY SPECIAL.....come and celebrate our whipped cream party!! 2-4-1 160$/hr - 21
(Sarasota, ScentSations (941)462-6789)
Welcome lilly & shay! ScentSations sexy n fun attendants 120$ flat rates 1/hr Open 9am-9pm - 18
(Sarasota, Bradenton)
LABOR DAY WEEKEND 100$ (full 30 min)SPECIAL... Beautiful ladies Upscale, private SPA OPEN 24 HRS - 18
(Sarasota, ScentSations Spa (941)462-6789)
ScentSations (120$ for 1hr) flat rate MEMORIAL WEEK SPECIAL The total experience awaits you... - 18
(Sarasota, Bradenton)
Guaranteed satisfaction here! WEEKEND SPECIAL $100/hr total flatrate 2-4-1 SPECIAL ;) - 21
(Sarasota, ScentSations (941)462-6789)
♣ :*:•. ♔ •:*¨: ♣ THE ♔ ROYAL ♔ TREATMENT♣ :*:•. ♔ •:*¨: ♣ First Class girls are here!! $100/hr - 18
(Sarasota, ScentSations Spa (941)462-6789)
SKYLER IS BACK!! available 10am-5pm incall now $100 flat rate special COME AND SEE ME ;) - 21
(Sarasota, ScentSations (941)462-6789)
Come see why we are the BEST! Breathtaking upscale ladies 160$ 2/hr special THIS WEEK ONLY!!! - 18
(Sarasota, Bradenton)
Come experience the BEST!! Professional, beautiful ladies FREE ADMISSION.. OPEN 24 HOURS ;) - 18
(Sarasota, ScentSations Spa (941)462-6789)
Sat 04 Jan
SCENTSATIONS II COMING SOON! A special thanks to our LOYAL CUSTOMERS!! $120 flatrate 1/hr - 18
(Sarasota, ScentSations Spa (941)462-6789)
✦ RELIEVE ✦ UNWANTED ✦ STRESS ✦ EXCLUSIVE ✦ THERAPY ✦ 2-4-1 160/hr flat rate!!! Book your appt today - 18
(Sarasota, ScentSations Spa (941)462-6789)
Come experience the BEST!! 100$/hr total SPECIAL!! Very private, upscale Spa... Beautiful ladies - 21
(Sarasota, ScentSations (941)462-6789)
Fri 03 Jan
♣ :*:•. ♔ •:*¨: ♣ THE ♔ ROYAL ♔ TREATMENT♣ :*:•. ♔ •:*¨: ♣ OPEN 24 HRS welcome Chelsea & Mya $80/hr - 18
(Sarasota, ScentSations Spa (941)462-6789)
HAPPY HOLIDAYS! OPEN 24hrs ✦ EXCLUSIVE ✦ THERAPY ✦ $80 1/2hr flat rate! Welcome Chelsea and mya - 18
(Sarasota, ScentSations Spa (941)462-6789)
The ultimate experience awaits you! SCENTSATIONS SPA 100$/hr full vip package OPEN 24 HRS - 21
(Sarasota, ScentSations (941)462-6789)
Thu 02 Jan
The ultimate experience awaits you! SCENTSATIONS SPA 100$/hr full vip package WE ARE OPEN - 21
(Sarasota, ScentSations (941)462-6789)
LOOK flatrate packages are HERE!! WELCOME BACK NIKKI, MIA AND DESIREE :) $100 1/hr see ya soon - 18
(Sarasota, ScentSations Spa (941)462-6789)
CARMEN'S BIRTHDAY SPECIAL.....come and celebrate our whipped cream party!! 2-4-1 160$/hr - 21
(Sarasota, ScentSations (941)462-6789)