Mon 27 Jan
NEW PIX! Im available rite now. call to come by !! in&out-call; - 26
(Sarasota, state Rd. 64 Bradenton/exit:220B off I75)
monday *SUCKS lets end the day with a B@NG**incall special100*00 - 24
(Sarasota, state Rd. 64 Bradenton/exit:220B off I75)
£ARLY $UNDAY MORNING ~ Come & $tart your d@y w/M£
(Sarasota, state Rd. 64 Bradenton/exit:220B off I75)
NEW PIX! Im available rite now. call to come by !! in&out-call; - 26
(Sarasota, state Rd. 64 Bradenton/exit:220B off I75)
Fri 10 Jan
£ARLY $UNDAY MORNING ~ Come & $tart your d@y w/M£
(Sarasota, state Rd. 64 Bradenton/exit:220B off I75)
Wed 08 Jan
FRIDAY NITE SPECIAL!!! Incall 80(.00) - available now. - 26
(Sarasota, state Rd. 64 Bradenton/exit:220B off I75)
Sun 05 Jan
monday *SUCKS lets end the day with a B@NG**incall special100*00 - 24
(Sarasota, state Rd. 64 Bradenton/exit:220B off I75)
Sat 04 Jan