Sun 05 Jan
NEW brunette call NOW! SUPER sExY YOUNG SweeThEarTs safe INDEPENDENT 1&2 girl special - 21
(Sarasota, incall private res bradenton)
%%% BRAZiLiAN GOddESS % ExOtiC% new new new!!!! Bella Babyy %%% - 21
(Sarasota, Sarasota , Sarasota/Bradenton Airport)
~(c;}) Sexy, Fun, Busty Redhead! I Am Up All Night! Call Me! $40 Half Hour Incall! ~(c;}) - 38
(Sarasota, Bradenton 5th St E & 57th AVE)
Beautiful brunette safe location No hotel No drugs Just the girl next door older guys welcome - 34
SEXY CARMEN (100$/hr) HUGS & KISSES xoxoxo available until 3a.m. pure pleasure xoxoxo - 24
(Sarasota, Bradenton)
-:¦:- ((SeXY))* (BrOWN) *(HoNEY))* 100% SO SEDUCTiVE~ (*GFE*) ~FETiSH PLeASURES~ »»NeW IN ToWN-:¦ - 23
~ S E X Y * C U B A N * * C A L L * M E * * P A P I * * 941.306.7466 * E X O T I C P L E A S U R E - 19
(Sarasota/University Parkway)
*(o)(o)* Sunday Afternoon and Evening Specials! $40 half hour incall *(o)(o)* - 37
(Sarasota, North. Sarasota (941) 351-1293)
🎀 Want Better Than The Best? ...Call AWESOME Stephanie🎀 - 27
(Sarasota, venice, nokomis (private rez))
Wonderfull specials!! Always affordable! Starting at $50 - 37
(Sarasota, Just South of The Airport (941) 225-9572)
monday *SUCKS lets end the day with a B@NG**incall special100*00 - 24
(Sarasota, state Rd. 64 Bradenton/exit:220B off I75)
Need nice Hot SEXY women's company? Friendly, Down- Earth, no stress, call 941-822-1867 - 39
(Sarasota, Central Bradenton Incall/ Outcall avail.)
NeW 2 EXOTIC Ho+T1E'S - 100% E. IND!@N = *D@#L! DOLLY & 100% MEXICANA = *MS T!@Ju@N@ - 863 409 4731 - 22
INCALLS ONLY -Specials Busty Full-figured Beauty Marie 941-295-9792 - 27
(Palmetto Incalls, Sarasota)
💋 All American Cougar ~ 100% Real Photos ~ Upscale InCall - 45
(Bradenton ~ 75 Fwy. State Route 64 Exit, Sarasota)
♥ * °♥° 80 Special 80 ♥ * °♥° NEW SRQ LOCATION 941-822-1348 - 34
(Sarasota, Sarasota / Upscale Motel / INCALL)
. 23 yo fantasy girl Casey Friday Night Specials NEW PIC UP - 23
(Sarasota, Sarasota or come to you)
((A Must See New Girl)) ▃▃Blue Eyes ★ Red Hair▃▃▃▃ Thursday SPECIALS!!! - 22
(Bradenton INCALL, Sarasota)
2 girl fun -~HaVe a FuN sEnSuAlBe N pLeAsUrAbLe ExPeRieNcE~- - 24
(Sarasota, Manatee/Sarasota Counties(N. of Airport))
WOW! B E A U T I F U L - S E X Y - H O T - P A S S I O N A T E - M A D I S O N - 34
(Bradenton/ Sarasota)
Tall, Blonde, Busty, Extremely Well reviewed Jessica Rabbit Lakewood Ranch Area in/out specials - 42
(near I-75 Lakewood Ranch Area, Sarasota)
sweet n sexy jess. girl next doortotal relaxation 9414049124. in&outcalls; - 29
(Sarasota, sarasota and surrounding areas*)
* * S W E E T E S T * * * P U E R T O * R I C A N * * * E V E R **** F E W * D A Y S * O N L Y !!! - 23
Hot, sexy, young, fun, short, thick, and sweet!! New pics!!!!941-275-0850 - 25
(Sarasota, Nokomis private home)
!! ! ! ! ! ! !***** B A C K ** I N ** T O W N ** P U E R T O *** R I C A N ***** ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! - 23
(937)-481-1991 Specials specials all day🔥come see me ☆☆incall/outcall specials🐾🐾 - 25
(Bradenton/$arasota, Sarasota)
_______ TALL _______ _________ BLONDE _________ _______ GODESS ____ ____________ - 26
Tall, Blonde, Busty, Extremely Well reviewed Jessica Rabbit Lakewood Ranch Area in/out specials - 42
(near I-75 Lakewood Ranch Area, Sarasota)
☆★ ☆ SWEET~ SENSUAL ~ S E X Y ~ N I C E AND N A U G H TY! C O M E & E N J O Y! - 21
(Sarasota/Bradenton Airport Area Incall)
The Best Oil Change in Town-Out - Natural Voluptuous not to big or to small just right$ 70 JOY RIDE - 26
(Sarasota, north sarasota)
SWEET Sinful PLEASURES. Very Skilled HOT Blonde ready to rock UR world! *TEXT ME* INCALL - 20
(Sarasota, sarasota INCALL 813 525 2353)
*+*+* Tall, Seductive, Redhead! Best Rates In Town, You Won't Be Disappointed! Available All Night! - 38
(Sarasota, Incall Bradenton. (941) 237-7111)
:*: *StUnNiNg :*: *BeAuTiFuL :*: *sO SExY :*: ChEcK mE OuT :*: *OutCall Specials:*: - 19
(Sarasota, -------- Bradenton Incall)